

Posted: Dec 28, 2015

Presentation of Q-Tales to a Greek Conference co-orginized by Omega Technology

«Gamification of collaborative authoring of interactive ebooks for Children, the Q-Tales  project»  

Stavros LounisDirector, Gamifico Ltd.

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Posted: May 12, 2015

Understanding the needs and requirements of Q-tales Platform Users

A collective Intelligence approach

The Q-tales project has as its major goal the enhancement of literacy skills in children. All our design efforts are focused on this goal. We appreciate that only very well-designed technological solutions will have any beneficial impact. We appreciate that there are many barriers to the design and implementation of beneficial solutions. As part of the Q-tales platform design process, we used collective intelligence and user story methodologies to facilitate our thinking in relation to key user needs. Our collective intelligence design workshop, held in Galway, Ireland on the 9th of April 2015, included 18 experts from the fields of education, psychology, and technology design. We began in the morning with a collective intelligence analysis of barriers to literacy skill development, followed by a collective intelligence analysis of options that may overcome these barriers. We then worked in the afternoon to develop user stories and interaction design ideas, which involved profiling user needs in light of the barriers and options and high level scenarios of Q-tales platform usage.
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3/13/2015 - 3/17/2015

Q-Tales at the SXSW

During the participation of the Gamifico Limited partner (represented by Stavros Lounis) at the annual SXSW Interactive event (Austin Texas, 13- 17 March 2015), Q-Tales was promoted in a four hour dedicated booth at the Austin Convention Center Exhibit Hall 3. During that time, a number of valuable connection was performed that will be explored as the project progresses. 

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Posted: Jan 19, 2015

Interview(available in Greek only) in about Q-Tales Project

Mr Milopoulos (Partner MegaProjects) talks to a Greek Site hosting innovative ideas.

Mr Milopoulos (Partner MegaProjects) talks to a Greek Site hosting innovative ideas.
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1/15/2015 - 1/16/2015


Partners convened for the first time at Athens, Greece, in order to set priorities and agree on first technical details concerning the project implementation.
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«March 2025»
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