Athanasia Anoyrkati, Ortelio
Athanasia started working for Ortelio in 2013 as a front and back end developer. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Computing. She has experience in different facets of information technology that involve management and maintenance of computer-based information systems. Her dominant concern is to develop products that fulfill end user needs and additionally help them to strengthen and develop their skills.
Poppy Alexiou, Publisto
Poppy is the UI and Art Director of Publisto. For over 20 years she has worked as a book designer in major publishing houses in Greece, such as Ammos Editions and Kedros Publishers, specializing in children's books. She has also supervised art publications for the Benaki Museum, Basil & Elise Goulandris Foundation, the Hellenic Parliament and the Hellenic Ministry of Culture. |
Stratos Arampatzis, Ortelio
Stratos is the Director of Ortelio, with over 15 years experience as an e-business and project management consultant. His work involved managing or evaluating EU projects in FP7, FP6, FP5, eContent, eTEN, Leonardo da Vinci, eco-innovation, Interreg III/IV, and the French and the Greek National Agencies of Research. He has participated in more than 40 European and national research projects, having Project Management responsibilities for 10 of them. He also held a job as a Research Associate in the University of Bonn, Germany. Stratos has a Master’s Degree in Economics and Policy from Duke University, USA, and a B.Sc. in Biology from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. |
Jonathan Bond, Real Group
Jonathan has over 20 years’ publishing experience writing, editing, sub-editing and designing for a range of sectors. Since 2010, he has been working full-time with Real Group in a number of areas, including:
Working with content experts to develop over a dozen online learning modules.
Developing marketing materials across the company.
Developing a consistent editorial approach across the company.
Jonathan has been closely involved with the development of the practice-led learning approach, communicating it to course writers and translating it into high-quality online learning. |
Agnieszka Czubak, Cracow Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Agnieszka started to work for the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Kraków in 2004 as SMEs consultant and is currently a project manager. She graduated from the Finance and Banking Faculty of the Cracow University of Economics in 2003 and had a few month’s experience of work in a small enterprise too. Almost ten years of work in the IPH helped her to learn about the SMEs needs and problems and how to smoothly cooperate with them. As a consultant she helped SMEs to find financing for their development projects from European funds which was often connected with revising and building innovation strategy in these firms. Apart from EEN she has also took part in realization of many other international projects such as “Innotrain IT” which was focused on teaching SMEs on importance of innovative management of their IT processes. |
Delia Petacchi, Rome Chamber of Commerce
Delia is IRFI Projects co-ordinator. She has an University Degree in Political Sciences and a Postgraduate Master in European Law and Economics as well as a specialisation in European Projects Management (AICCRE Veneto). She is responsible for implementing training initiatives targeted at SMEs, drafting and coordinating European and national funded projects. Foreign languages known: English and German.. |
Dr. Tony Hall, NUI Galway
Tony is an educationist with research interests that include educational technology, Design-Based Research and the Learning Sciences, narrative, English, ICT and Physical Education. His central research focus is on using Design-Based Research methodology to explore how narrative and technology can be used to enhance learning, particularly in his subject teaching areas: English, ICT/Educational Technology and Physical Education. His teaching is related to his research interests, and at graduate and undergraduate levels, he teaches or co-teaches classes and modules in educational technology; Learning Sciences and Design-Based Research; narratology in education; English and ICT subject teaching methodologies; and the History and Philosophy of Education. Tony was previously a secondary school ICT Coordinator and teacher (Physical Education, English, ICT, and SPHE). After completing his PhD at the University of Limerick, Tony undertook post-doctoral research as Research Fellow in Learning Sciences at the Learning Sciences Research Institute (LSRI), University of Nottingham, and as a Royal Academy of Engineering (RAEng) visiting researcher at the Center for Informal Learning and Schools (CILS), Exploratorium (Museum of Science , Art and Human Perception), San Francisco. He is the Editor of the Education Matters Yearbook – The Professional Handbook of Educators in Ireland, now in its seventh edition. Tony is also currently completing two monographs: the first on narrative and technology in education, to be published by Palgrave Macmillan; and the second on Viktor Frankl’s contribution to the philosophy/theory of education, which will be published by Springer.
Dr. Michael Hogan, NUI Galway
Michael is lecturer and researcher in the Psychology Department at NUI, Galway, research foci include individual, social and technology factors contributing to child and adult learning, motivation, and collaborative performance. A key designer of the collective intelligence stakeholder engagement methodology in the EU SeaforSociety project (2012 – 2014), and in projects applying innovative technology in classrooms, he is an active member in international networks (e.g. Irish member representative of the European Science Foundation (ESF) Steering Committee for European Research Network for Investigating Human Sensorimotor Function in Health and Disease (ERNI-HSF). |
Stavros Lounis, Gamifico
Stavros is the Director and cofounder of Gamifico Limited. Since 2012 he has significant experience in the area of gamification design and e-business. He graduated from the Dept. of Applied Informatics in Management & Finance of Technological Educational Institute of Messolonghi and he holds a MSc in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Systems from the International Hellenic University (IHU). Following his MSc level studies he joined the research team of ELTRUN E-Business Research Center as a PhD candidate in the Dept. of Management Science and Technology of AUEB with research focus on Gamification of Electronic Services. Since 2005 he has worked in both national and European projects (FP6 – Reveal This and FP7 – e-SAVE) as well as in the public and private sector consulting on gamification of electronic service design. |
Gregory Milopoulos, Megaprojects
Gregory is the initiator and writer of the Q-Tales proposal. He has vast experience in Project Management of large and complex projects, mainly in the field of Information Technology and has recently been appointed as an expert / evaluator in the SME Instrument of the H2020. He holds a Bachelor Degree in Business Administration from the University of Aegean and a Postgraduate Degree (MBA) in Project Management of Large Scale Techno-economic Systems from the National Technical University of Athens in cooperation with University of Piraeus and the Athens University of Economics.
Sarah Norris, Real Group
Sarah recently joined Real Training as a senior educational psychologist, advisor on course design and online tutor, having had over 13 years’ experience delivering SEN services for a local authority. She has worked extensively with schools and young people with a range of SEN needs and across all age ranges. Most recently, Sarah has specialised in the field of mental health and young people with social and emotional needs. She has a diploma in solution-focused practice, has worked therapeutically supporting young people, and developed, delivered and managed an early intervention-based approach with a mental health service in her previous local authority role.
Nikos Papastamatiou, Omegatech
Nikos graduated from the Aegean University in 1998 with a Bachelor’s degree on Mathematics. He then received a Masters degree in Distributed and Multimedia Information Systems from Heriot-Watt University, Scotland in 1999. From 2002 he is working as a web analyst/developer. He is experienced on web technologies and he has participated in many European and National research projects. His research interests are in the fields of Web Services, Grid Computing, ontologies, semantic web and Natural Language Processing. He is experienced on web technologies (XML Web services, GRID computing, etc) and he has participated in many European and National research projects. His research interests are in the fields of Web Development, Databases, Web Services, Grid Computing, ontologies, semantic web, Natural Language Processing and Multimedia Applications. His publications are in the domains of Grid/web services and natural language processing tools. |
Giannis Paraskakis, Publisto
Giannis holds an Electronics Engineering degree from the University of the Aegean in Greece and a MSc in Software Engineering from the University of Piraeus, Greece. He is a PhD candidate at university of Piraeus and his main research interests are data mining and mobile development technologies. During his studies he designed and developed various mobile and web applications. |

Marek Pustuła, Cracow Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Marek started to work for the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Kraków in 2010 as a consultant for SMEs. He graduated from the Protection of the Environment Faculty of the Agricultural University in Krakow in 2010 obtaining Master of Science degree. While studying also worked as team manager for insurance company. During his four years work in the IPH he developed good understanding about SMEs needs. He helped many SMEs in finding European funds for developing their companies, building up their innovation and organizational level in the process. He also took part in realization of many international projects, including “S.M.A.R.T. Know Net” as an ICT Technician or “Innotrain IT” as Communication and training specialist. |
Ilias Trochidis, Ortelio
Ilias holds a BSc degree in Applied Informatics from the University of Macedonia in Greece and a Master’s degree (MSc) in Software Engineering from the University of Sunderland, UK. His main research interests regard internet systems engineering in relation to business. Ilias has eight years of experience in managing and running EU and national research projects. For four years he was the technical manager in the information systems laboratory of the University of Macedonia in Greece where he developed and maintained various eGovernment and other business related applications. He was the technical coordinator of the FP6 OneStopGov project and a member of the project management team of the FP7 BlogForever project. |